Wednesday, May 23, 2012

16 Weeks

How far along? 16 Weeks
Total weight gain: Oh my!! Went to the doctor and up 4.5 pounds!! Trying to tell myself it is okay!
Maternity clothes? For the first time this week, yes!! They weren’t kidding when they said I would wake up one day and all of the sudden NOTHING would fit. Had a breakdown and went to Target…found three maternity dresses in clearance for $10 each that are SUPER cute!
Stretch marks? No. Now that I am noticing a bump I have decided to preemptively use the stretch mark/cocoa butter cream. I have heard from some people that it works miracles…others not so much. But it can’t hurt, right??
Sleep: Still sleeping well.
Best moment this week: Waking up and seeing a BUMP!!

Miss Anything? Being able to run…and happy hours!
(im)patiently waiting. I was hoping for a few flutters this week at least, but I will just have to keep waiting I guess.
Food cravings: Nothing specific…but just VERY interested in eating right now! I am baking and cooking several treats a week, and hubby is getting spoiled!
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still staying away from mushy things.
Gender: Come on team blue!! Found out at the doctor on Monday that we will confirm the gender at about 19 weeks on June 11th. Let the countdown begin!! (also I better start hunting down all the receipts for the past few weeks worth of blue purchases..)

Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: Not feeling pregnant at all. I feel stretched out like crazy around the middle and have had some pretty bad low back pain..but that’s it. Not even sure if that is from the pregnancy or the insane amount of food I have been eating.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Excited/happy every time I look at the calendar and see the weeks going by. Also very happy to finally be feels much more real now.
Looking forward to: Confirming the gender of course. And looking forward to summer….despite the fact that I will be a whale by the pool without a drink in my hand. Oh well..sacrifices!!

15 Weeks

Late posting this! Finally recovered from the wedding and aftermath of exhaustion! It wasn't planned to have Bevo in the picture, but he kept walking up to me. I really think he can sense something is going on. Smarty.

How far along? 15 weeks.
Total weight gain: I freaked out after weighing myself at night (my mistake), but thankfully in the morning things went back to normal. Up about 2 pounds now!!
Maternity clothes? Still not yet, but definitely using the Bella band with just about every outfit!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Sleeping good, zzZZZzz. Probably because I stay up til about 3am reading the Fifty Shades series every night. I am embarrassed to read it anywhere but the privacy and solitude of my own bedroom while hubby is asleep!
Best moment this week: Having dinner with my brother and his new wife and finding the perfect dresser for the nursery…now just have to fix it up.

Miss Anything? Wine…sigh.
Still nada.

Food cravings: PIZZA!!!!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I have made the switch to practically green bananas. I used to not be able to STAND it if a banana wasn’t soft enough, but now anywhere near ripe is no bueno.
Gender: Still going on the boy prediction from a few weeks ago.

Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: None.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Moody this week…sorry, Matt!
Looking forward to: Confirming the gender and fixing up the nursery!

Monday, May 14, 2012

14 Weeks

 Well with all the wedding craziness this week we didn't have time to take the regular picture. This one was taken "on location" at my brother's rehearsal dinner. You can't really tell, but there is a dart in the 14 space! The bump is growing!!

How far along? 14 Weeks
Total weight gain: About a pound.
Maternity clothes? Not yet thankfully.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Well this week I barely had any time to sleep, but when I did it was actually good!
Best moment this week: Finding out the gender with 90% certainty!! Also seeing family and friends at my brother's wedding and getting to meet my new second cousin, Brooklyn, for the first time.

Miss Anything? Still just drinks, but it is getting a little easier.
Movement: Not yet...soon I hope!
Food cravings: Nothing really specific this week actually, but I made the switch from salty to sweet. Thank God for wedding cake over the weekend.
Anything making you queasy or sick: The texture of some things is really starting to bother me. I threw up after one bite of a banana...that mushy texture just kills me. Unfortunately I can stomach the texture of cookies just fine.
Gender: B-O-Y!!!!

Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: Still nothing really to report. The headaches have subsided a bit which has been a blessing.
Belly Button in or out? In.
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and sappy and emotional!!!!
Looking forward to: Nothing really specific this week...just looking forward to time moving by more quickly. I am still so nervous..I just want to be further along.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

13 Weeks...and it's TWINS!

Well sort of twins. Like...I must have one in each butt cheek because MAN my @$$ has gotten HUGE! LOL. Someone told me that girls make you bigger on the bottom and boys make you bigger on top, but I hope that is not true because we are hoping for a boy! Oh well..we will see soon enough!

So it seems while I was spending months and months staring at my chalk board and trying to get pregnant, the rest of the world was actually getting pregnant and making chalkboards of their own. So I opted for a new way to track the bump. Behold!

While I scrapped the chalkboard, I did however decide to continue with the popular weekly update list.

How far along? 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: None yet.
Maternity clothes? Had to break down and get a Bella band (thanks for buying, Mom!) It has been a lifesaver with my jeans!
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: I have finally been able to sleep the past few nights..probably thanks to hubby kicking the dog off the bed!
Best moment this week: Well it is only Tuesday..but I guess finally cleaning out the room we are going to use for the nursery!!

Miss Anything? Drinks. Drinks Driiiiiiiinks. And sleeping on my stomach. What I wouldn't give..
Movement: Can't wait!
Food cravings: Oh gosh...since about week 6 I have had SUCH cravings...I always thought it was kinda bull honky that pregnant women really got cravings..but I have been proven wrong. First was bacon and eggs, then fried chicken, then french fries and strawberries, then cole slaw on top of saltines and now peanut butter. I know, I know...limit my peanut products. But I wake up craving it. Current obsession is peanut butter cracker sandwich thingys. Yummm.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not really. I made sausage balls today and the raw sausage was the first time I have kind of been turned off.
Gender: Fingers crossed for boy!! Happy either way though!

Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: Literally NONE other than the recent onset of horrific the point of throwing up. I know I am lucky though...I had a really easy first trimester symptom-wise.
Belly Button in or out? In...please don't do it!!!
Wedding rings on or off? On!

Happy or Moody most of the time: Depends on when you catch me...emotions are starting to fly!
Looking forward to: This Thursday's NT scan...hopefully they will be able to guess the gender too! Also looking forward to our big garage sale this weekend!!!!

So I wish I would have done this earlier and been able to see the changes from the very beginning, but I was just too scared of jinxing things in the first trimester. I will get over it though. I am just happy we are here!