Saturday, June 2, 2012

17 Weeks

My normal photographer and normal camera were out of town this week...but I think we did alright!

How far along? 17 weeks.
Total weight gain: About six pounds.
Maternity clothes? YES! But who designs maternity shorts?? They are SO BAD. I just went up a size (or three) in some target shorts and feel great now! I was getting to that “omg I literally have nothing to wear” stage. Even my pajamas don’t fit.
Stretch marks? Nope.
Sleep: Starting to toss and turn a little bit trying to find a comfortable position. I stayed at my parents’ this week in their guest room king size bed, and now that is pretty much number one on my “next to purchase” list.
Best moment this week: Getting to spend so much time with my parents…shopping with my mom!!

Miss Anything? Sleeping on my stomach.
Felt a little something early this week and since then just subtle movements when I am lying really still. Waiting for something more noticeable though.

Food cravings: OMG!!! I FINALLLLLLLY got a hot dog!!! THANK YOU to Renee for finding the all beef, nitrate free, pregnancy-safe hot dogs. I have already bought another package.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Not this week.
Gender:  Waiting for the official confirmation on June 11.

Labor Signs: No.
Symptoms: Nothing major. Some back pain which is making me start to do the pregnant waddle…isn’t it too early for that??
Belly Button in or out? In, although it is starting to look a little weird where the piercing was. Sigh…if only I had thought of these things when I was 17.
Wedding rings on or off? On.

Happy or Moody most of the time: With my husband being out of town this week I was all over the map…so sad and missing him but so happy to be with my parents. Little things are starting to really set me off into tears though! Like a baby bunny on our back porch all alone and scared… wahhhh L
Looking forward to: Matt coming home TONIGHT after a week away!!! This was the longest we have been apart, and I am dying to have him back!!!


  1. You look so cute! Pregnancy suits you :)

    If baby bunnies make you cry you would NOT have wanted to be at our house last week when Cherry "played" with some. RIP.

    1. Haha why thank you. And yes I read about the baby bunny incident. I have no words :(
