Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend and Giveaway Updates

What is it about four day weeks that makes them feel longer than normal weeks?? And how is it possible for each day to fly by but the week still seems to drag on forever? It always seems to happen that way, doesn't it? Memorial Day seems like it was about a month ago, not just four days ago.

Hope everyone had a good holiday weekend! We spent Sunday with family enjoying the new patio and some yummy food (and of course margaritas).


And then we took Trent on his first zoo trip on Monday!

We were hoping to take advantage of the fairly new addition of giraffe-feeding, but apparently they had just been fed and weren't hungry. So Trent didn't get the up close giraffe action. But he did manage to drop his giraffe right at the exact moment the zookeeper was taking a picture for us...right next to the sign that said "No loose items, please." Whoops. Thankfully he just dropped it forward and didn't launch it over the railing. 
That's better..

By the end of the day, he was SO worn out. We got this new stroller a while back, and he totally loves laying back and napping in it. Huge improvement.

Not much else to report over the holiday. So glad it is finally Friday again. When is the next three day weekend?? Not soon enough, that's all I know.

Also...giveaway updates! We just need TEN more people for the OPK/HPT giveaway to go live! Woohoo! And after that, we won't need too many more for the Mavi Bandz giveaway and the oh-so-coveted chevron bag giveaway to move forward! So spread the word, join the blog, invite your friends, etc! We can't wait to finally have some WINNERS! And those of you already following...don't forget to leave a comment on each of the giveaways you want to enter!

1 comment:

  1. I love those B I G letters. Saw them on the news about town. Great pics of your family.
