Saturday, July 13, 2013

Teeth. Suck.

I'm scared to even look at the date of my last post. I'm sure you all assumed I was off completing my half bath makeover "project of the month." As much as I wish that were true...sadly, it couldn't be further from the truth. No..I have been stuck deep in the pits of teething hell.

I have had my fair share of tooth problems...seriously, going on root canal #6 here! And having a child has taught me that teeth are just one big problem for your entire life. Starting around 3 months. What a crock. 

Trent's two bottom middle teeth came in within one day of each other without much fuss while he was cutting them, but the weeks leading up to that were awful. This time around, the two top middle teeth are just on the verge of cutting, and I think this past week has been even worse than the last time. We don't use any teething tablets, and Trent is not a big fan of any of the cold teething toy products or pacifiers, so we are forced to just suffer through it! Motrin has been our best friend for the past several nights. Oh, and we give Trent some, too! I have been avoiding baby Orajel like no other, but I may have to cave in a try a tiny bit if this doesn't get any better. 

It is such just a helpless feeling...and it seems as though it will never end. Grandma came to the rescue on Friday and gave us a bit of much-needed relief at least! I know there is a light at the end of the tunnel...I just hope the tunnel isn't too much longer! Looking forward to getting back to "normal" life and my happy baby soon. Yea, this guy!

1 comment:

  1. My dad and stepmother, Kim, gave my little sister Ruby and now my little brother Ezra things like broccoli, carrots and the like. I think it helps a bit... I've given Ezra baby carrots before when he was crying whilst teething, and then he stopped.

    Hopefully things get better soon!
