Monday, September 30, 2013

Weekend Recap

It must have been the knowledge that October was just around the corner...or that we had the Breaking Bad finale to look forward to...or that rain was in the forecast which meant another chance to wear my new Hunters...but whatever it was, something just made this weekend more magical than most. We didn't do anything particularly special...but it just seemed happier, easier, longer, more relaxing....just better than your average bear weekend. If you follow me on Instagram, sorry for the overload. 

Our original plans fell through with the threat of a storm, so we did some reshuffling and decided to just wing it.  We ventured over to the square on Saturday morning and discovered that the Farmer's Market was still going on, so we browsed there for a while and ate the most amazing croissants. You can bet your butt I will be back next week to stock up. 

The weather looked like it would hold off a little while longer, so we took Trent to one of our favorite spots - Hope Park - for a little playground fun. It has been a long time since we have been there, and it was crazy to see how different he was. He was able to crawl around, play and interact so much more than the last few times. I am getting emotional thinking about his birthday coming up and how fast time is moving, but it is also so exciting to see him grow and learn new things every day.

And then...boom. I didn't even get any pictures of the rain because we were soaked from head to toe. Well...not my toes, thanks to my killer boots :) 

We dried out a bit while Trent took a nap in the car and then ran a few errands, grabbed a bite and headed home for another attempt at bath time. Like I said...there was something magic in the air this weekend (or maybe it was the small fortune we spent on a new bath toy bribe), because on day #6, Trent finally took a bath in his new tub. Yep, you heard that right! It wasn't pretty, but he got through it with only a few minor meltdowns. Major improvement.

Then....the REAL magic happened. Matt finally got the Halloween decorations out of the attic! Fall is officially here at the Denny household. More on that later this week.

Yesterday we got out early while it was still cool and fed the ducks. That was followed by a few more errands, working on the house and yard and putting out the last of the decorations before it was time for Matt to head to work. I took Trent to visit my parents for a little while in the evening, and then the two of us surprised Matt at the game. Trent did surprisingly well staying up so far past his bedtime, and thankfully he was exhausted and went down great when we got home. 

With those few moments to myself, I was feeling super festive so I decided to make some fall cookies. TOTAL FAIL. I don't know what happened. I followed the recipe exactly. I swear. Oh well. Clearly we still ate most of them.

Then it was time for the Breaking Bad finale, a little bit of an overnight cool front and bed. What a wonderful weekend to kick off fall. Now I can start counting down to next weekend which brings our semi-annual garage sale and an early anniversary celebration! 

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