Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Day of the Dead and Half Bath Makeover

Just a bit of catching up here, folks! Finally getting around to posting the after pictures of our half bath makeover, and it fits right in with recapping how we spent our Day of the Dead.

This year we decided to celebrate my grandmother, "Nana," on Day of the Dead. Because it fell just days after the big birthday party and Halloween, I did not get to go all out, but we did spend the day thinking about her and doing a few of her favorite things which was the most important part. I rocked my skull scarf and hair tie in honor of the day as well as the ring left to me by Nana. Ignore that weird spot on my was literally from a clothes hanger poking into my flesh throughout the 35 minute wait at BabyGap during a huge sale. Sigh...the things I do...

Matt had a margarita at Nana's favorite spot, El Fenix, but I didn't pass up the chance to take a picture with it. Anything to get close to a margarita these days! We remembered Nana over dinner and told stories about her to Trent. She is so missed and so loved, but we are all so thankful for the memories she gave us! 

And that brings us to the sugar skull/Day of the Dead/Mexico themed half bath makeover reveal! I would have our entire house decked out in this motif if Matt would approve, but I don't see that happening anytime I settled for the half bath. Of course I don't have a great before picture, but you get the idea here.

We used Sherwin Williams "Fired Brick" after much debate, and I couldn't love it more. The mirror is a long story, but it ultimately came from Home Depot for $10! We got a killer deal on the new vanity which was my absolute must-have because there are not many things I hate more than pedestal sinks...we now have actual storage in the bathroom! It was also from Home Depot, on clearance, for $120 all said and done. It has a great faux granite top and beautiful sink. My dad came over to help Matt take out the old sink and install the new vanity which was pretty much a breeze! Matt also changed the light fixture, and I picked out some new globes. It is hard to see much of an improvement from these pictures, but trust me. WORLDS better.

I found this old window pane at a local antique store months ago, and I have been saving it for this bathroom ever since. Of course it was the exact color we painted the walls..what are the odds?? So I refinished it this turquoise color and couldn't be happier. It took all of five minutes, literally, and $3. First, I spray painted a super thin layer of white to start so that when I distressed it there would be some white popping through. Then I watered down some cheap all-purpose turquoise craft paint from Hobby Lobby and again did a quick, thin layer over the whole thing which dried in a matter of minutes. Finally, I took some medium grain sandpaper to real technique...just enough to get some bits of the original red/orange and the white coming through. And voila! Easy as pie.

The little table came from TJ Maxx, and the sugar skull plate was on sale after Halloween at World Market

My sweet (and apparently crafty?!) hubs put together this Scrabble letter shadow box for me as my anniversary gift. I absolutely love it and am very proud of him! However...we are now going to need a new Scrabble set...  The Sherlock Holmes quote was online, here, and both frames are good old IKEA.

The shelf is one of my go-tos, the IKEA Ribba shelf. We have them in almost every room. And the picture on display is one we took at our friends' wedding chapel in Mexico. It is absolutely perfect for this room and very special to us. Sometimes we take pictures of landscapes or buildings on vacation thinking we will never have a real use for them, so I love to incorporate them when I can in place of just random store-brought prints.

Same with this picture we took on the River Walk in San Antonio during our BabyMoon. San Antonio is so big on Day of the Dead, and the colors are also perfect for the bathroom.

 We also finally framed this piece of embroidery we got for our wedding. I have wanted to hang it forever, and what better spot?


Finally, loving this print from Etsy! It could NOT be more perfect for our love of skulls/Day of the Dead/our Halloween anniversary, etc. 

Whew, glad to finally share this after so long! I think I have decided that Halloween/anniversary/Trent's birthday is officially busier than the "real" holiday season! I feel like the Thanksgiving/Christmas rush is going to be a breeze! Right? RIGHT?!

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