Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Watch It Wednesday - Take One!

To follow up "Top Twosday," I am thrilled to introduce "Watch It Wednesday" as part of my weekly blogging schedule. I know my husband and I are always looking for a new show, movie, documentary or series to bingewatch, and lately we have run out of places to look! As I asked for recommendations from friends and family, it seemed that everyone else was having the same problem as well. So I am going to start digging deep (in my brain, on Netflix, around the internet, etc) to bring you a weekly suggestion or two.

 First up is a movie we watched recently that quickly reached one of the top three spots on my "All-Time Favorite Movies" list. Interstellar, starring Matthew Mcconaughey, is one of the best movies I have seen in a LONG time. And while it takes a LONG time to watch it (3+ hours), it never felt as if it was dragging, and I can honestly say I would watch it again and again which I don't say about many movies. My focus, interest and intrigue were held the whole way through, and the ending didn't let me down either, as so many do. I won't give away any spoilers or details, but I will say that I was totally against watching it for the longest time because I, like so many others, assumed it was just another sci-fi movie...which I am so not into. However, it is much more about family, relationships and real life, and the science/space travel part adds constant suspense. Everyone should watch this movie, but I do have to admit that I'm not sure it would have moved me the way it did had I watched it before having children.

Okay, I will stop there before I give anything away and/or start gushing about my love for Mr. Mcconaughey!

The movie is available to stream on GooglePlay ($14.99) and also available to stream for FREE with AmazonPrime Instant Video, but unfortunately it is no longer available to stream on Netflix. 

Let me know what you think about Interstellar in the comments below, and for the love of God PLEASE send your own movie suggestions my way if you have a can't-miss on your list!

Looking forward to introducing a new Thursday feature tomorrow. Happy Humpday, foxes!

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