Tuesday, January 17, 2012

How Am I Going to Make It?

Well today sucked. Royally SUCKED. I can't even go into all the reasons why it sucked, but pretty much any sucky thing imaginable is included on the list of "Reasons Why January 17, 2012 SUCKED."

Instead of listing them all, I have decided to try and pull myself out of this lowest of lows and make a
different list. Based on the discussion with our doctor yesterday we can safely say our retrieval date will be in 30 days (give or take one or two days). So I'm sure the same question is on all of your minds that has been running through my head..."HOW THE @!#!@%(&! AM I GOING TO MAKE IT THIRTY WHOLE DAYS???" Well friends, I haven't the answer. This is where I would normally begin the lamenting, but not today! Today I will do the impossible...I will find something positive from this.

So, the one positive I can see is that now I have thirty days to focus on absolutely anything and everything else....thirty days to give attention to the things I have been neglecting for the past 365....thirty days to discover or learn something new that for once does NOT pertain to fertility (or lack thereof), thirty days get the idea. And best of all is that there is NO way I will be able to do ALL of these it will actually feel like I am running out of time to complete my time is just WHOOSHING by! Right? RIGHT?? Well, here's hoping.


1. Learn to Knit/Crochet (and actually knit/crochet something...custom baby booties made to order starting Christmas 2025)

2. Make Homemade Tamales (this one is for you, Matt Denny).

3. Give Bevo a DAILY Lunchtime Walk

4. Finish the Christmas Stocking I started in...umm...

5. Finish the ******** Project (top secret...actually it was really just a Christmas gift for my family that I never got around to finishing. Oops. Happy Valentines, everyone!)

6. Read The Hunger Games (otherwise I will never understand everyone's facebook posts...which I guess also means I should finally start learning something about Tim

7. Update iPhone (been putting this off for like over a year..really).

8. Clear Out All Unread Emails (all 15,802 of them, literally).

9. Hem The Five Pairs of Jeans I Have Owned for Years and Never Gotten to Wear

10. Read
The Girl Who Played with Fire

11. Read The Girl Who Kicked the Hornets' Nest

12. Take a 30 day Break From Facebook

13. Work Out Daily (I know this is totally blah, but I feel I must include it regardless)

14. Plan Two Weekly Activities/Outings to Have Something to Look Forward To

15. Get My Car Washed (thank you, water restrictions, for getting me out of having to do that one myself)

Finish Season 4 of The Wire

17. Clean/Reorganize Office (shudder..)

18. Go to Church on Sundays

19. Find a Project for the Nine Zillion Bottle Caps/Wine Corks We've Been Collecting for YEARS

20. Put Shelf Paper in the Pantry/Cabinets

21. Put Drawer Liner in the Drawers

22. Clean/Reorganize Kitchen Drawers/Cabinets

23. Go to the Rodeo?

24. Mix/Match 15 New Outfits From Closet and Wear Them (and blog them!)

25. Make Homemade Valentine's Cards and Treats for Family, Friends, Neighbors

Plan 1-on-1 Time/Activity with Each Family Member (mom, dad, brother, husband, future sister-in-law)

27. Provided the Weather Cooperates, Go with Matt Finally to the Park We Have Been Wanting to Check Out

28. Start Compiling Recipes into a Master Recipe Book

29. Have a Garage Sale/Take Stuff to Goodwill/Plato's Closet (by whatever means necessary just CLEAN OUT the spare room)

30. Make Something Together with Matt for Future Baby (not sure what yet, but this is the one I'm most excited about! Maybe we will wait until we know whether IVF was successful or not)

So there it is..I can already feel myself wondering "How am I going to get ALL of this done in just thirty SHORT days??"

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