Wednesday, April 17, 2013

BackYard Makeover Preview

How is it already Wednesday afternoon evening night? Another day closer to the weekend - awesome! Another day of transferring 35 incomplete items from my to do list onto tomorrow's to do list - not so awesome. Oh well. It will all work itself out in the end..or so they say. 

Trent had a bit of a rough start to the day. Matt and I went to bed earlier than usual last night with big plans of getting up way before him this morning and getting a buttload of stuff done before he woke up, but I guess he heard our scheming because he woke up an hour and a half earlier than normal too...aka the exact time our alarm was set for. Sneaky little monkey. So instead of having an hour and a half of peace during which we could get a jump start on the day...or just catch up from yesterday....or just drink coffee and watch the news...we instead had an extra hour and a half of Teething Trent, as he is so affectionately known these days.

When he finally went down for his morning nap I got to work. And by work I mean avoiding work at all costs...which is actually when I seem to get the most done. Work? No. Housework/cleaning/blogging/Etsy-ing/laundry-ing/showering/bill paying? Yes. One of my "everything else" tasks today was sketching out a better plan for our upcoming big backyard makeover which I am just about to explode to get started on. Our original plan was left in the hands of our landscaper/contractor, so we needed a new one to go by. And voila...

You'll have to forgive the informality of it all...and the fact that it is not drawn to scale/proportion in the slightest, but locating colored pencils was about all I could manage before 8am.  

In our suburb (shut up) and particularly in our subdivision, the backyards are pretty standard and simple. Or I guess I should just say it...pretty small.  I have long had dreams of a big playhouse or swing set and ultimately a pool, but the yards here are just not made to accommodate that. Fortunately we have two great parks with loads of grass as well as play equipment and swings within 100 meters of our house, and there are two community pools in our subdivision. In addition my parents have a beautiful back yard and pool just 20 minutes away that we use often. So after two and a half years in our house I decided to stop waiting for my back yard to become something it would never be and just make it the best it could be, knowing that we have plenty of options for pools/big open spaces just around the corner. Trent is on board. We all (Trent, Bevo and I) hung out on the existing back patio for some milk and prosecco and musing this evening. Can.Not.Wait. So many fun times outside ahead for us! And btw aren't those chubby little hands the sweetest? LOVE.

I will save more of the details for later, but I just wanted to give a preview of what is in the works. And YES, I promise to take before and after pictures for the first time in my life. I put an alert in my phone and everything. Go me, tech guru over here. Anyway the project is scheduled to begin first thing Monday morning, and I plan on chronicling every step of the way! Stay tuned for more, and don't forget to follow our blog and comment for a chance to win our first big giveaway!

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