Sunday, April 14, 2013

GooGoo Review

Ladies and gents, boys and girls….get ready…wait for it…wait for it…….

Welcome to the GooGoo Review…where we talk and review all things baby!

This has been a long time coming, and I am so excited to finally launch this section of my blog. During our TTC journey I was introduced to (and completely swallowed up by) the world of endless internet research on every single “what if,” “how come,” “what about,” “best this,” “worst that,” …that anyone could ever possibly think of. By the time I actually got pregnant I was so worn out from all the googling that I could not bring myself to do the obligatory baby registry product overanalysis when the time came..which is how we ended up with this piece of garbage. More on that later.
The few products I actually took the time out of my busy schedule to review (HA!, I laugh at the thought of my old schedule being busy now) didn’t ever seem to live up to what I had read. I am convinced that at least half of the reviews on the store/company websites are just written by moonlighting AT&T call center employees halfway across the globe that have never really used a Baby Brezza..  So I decided to start my own space for real moms..friends, family members, fellow bloggers…to review and discuss our must-haves, must NOTs and more. We will see where it goes. First up is a hands down MUST-have and still one of our/Trent’s very favorite toys to date:


Seriously..they could have come up with a shorter better name, but I won’t hold it against them. Fisher-Price absolutely outdid themselves with this product.

Price:         $41.99 (Target online)

What It Is: This falls in the play-gym, play mat category, but it sets itself apart by including a

                   piano at the foot.

The Story: We had your regular old play-gym/mat that we registered for but quickly realized

that a 6 week old baby cannot do much other than…lie there. The adorbs jingling zebra and flashing lion did much more to annoy the dog than stimulate Trent, and he wasn’t even close to being able to reach for or grab anything yet. So play-gym time was basically us shaking all sorts of jungle animals in his face, staring at him (while he was staring into space), googling whether there was something wrong with him because he wasn’t following said jungle animals..and then more staring. We desperately wanted him to DO something, but he just wasn’t there yet. Then on a hazy, sleep-deprived trip to Target we stumbled across this. Literally stumbled…like I said..sleep-deprived, and it was on the bottom shelf. It was like fate or something. We immediately added it to his Santa Grandma Christmas list. If we had known what a hit it would be, and if our cart wasn’t already full of frozen meals, Lanolin by the gallon, K-cups and beer, we would have bought it right then and there.

He got it on Christmas Day, and so at two months he started using it. We were amazed at the IMMEDIATE difference during his play time. Because he still wasn’t coordinated enough to grab/reach for things, he was in the stage of kicking and moving his legs. Once he had the piano as something to actually kick and give a bit of resistance, he was unstoppable. What had previously been just minutes of play time before he got bored and frustrated turned into a minimum of 30 minute piano sessions and sometimes went on for the two hours between feedings. He kicked and kicked…and kicked some more. Each key plays a different tone followed by a short tune. I went to bed every night and woke up every day (still do) with those four tunes in my head, but it is well worth it. He has SUCH strong legs now, and we really put it down to all the time he spent on the piano in those early days.

The toy arch can be moved to the floor for tummy time when they are ready, and the mirror props up during tummy time too which was one of the only things that got Trent’s attention early on. And now that he can sit up better on his own, we have turned the piano parallel to the floor and sit with him while he plays it with his hands, but he still plays it with his feet almost every day.

Pros:          -    GREAT source of entertainment/exercise for a younger baby that cannot do

                           much  on a regular play gym

-     Transitions to a wide age range

-     Easy to move and store (we took it to Grandma’s often)

Cons:         -   The bases that hold the toy arch are a bit close together, making the mat fairly

            narrow, and they are pretty hard plastic. Once he started learning to roll over we

padded them a little bit to keep him from knocking his head into one during a roll. 


Have you used this product? Comment below and let us know what you think! Or do you have an idea/request for a future GooGoo Review item of the week? Let us know by comment or email!

Stay tuned for more product reviews and a new rating system brought to you by Mr. Trent Fox! And don’t forget to follow our blog to be entered into the giveaway for a set of Mavi Bandz!!

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