Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Patio Progress: Day 1

As promised, Lupe showed up before 8am yesterday to begin working on the backyard/patio makeover. I tried to keep myself from looking out the window every five minutes, but it was so hard not to! After only a few hours they already had everything dug up and the form boards in place (is that even the right terminology?). Whatever. Anyway they had a TON of work done in a short period of time which was very encouraging. He told us it would take no more than a week, about which I was very skeptical, but if they keep up at this pace I think he might just be right! Unfortunately there is a chance of rain in the forecast which could slow things down, but so far it seems like we are getting lucky and missing the storms. Here are a few before pictures and pictures at the end of day one.

They arrived before 8am again this morning and got straight to work. The concrete is supposed to be poured around 11am, and I can hardly contain myself!!! I REALLY want to get a Bevo paw print and Trent hand print in there somewhere...we will see. Doubt Matt is going to let me get away with that one.

Just wanted to give a quick update. Things are looking good so far! And no, it is not crazy downward sloping...I don't know why it looks like that in the picture. And just to clear up something else..Trent does not wear clashing orange/white PJs and red baseball caps on the reg. Clearly Daddy was in charge of that one :)

Stay tuned for more!

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