Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Patio Progress: Day Two

It was an eventful day in the Denny "back garden" (back yard for all us 'mericans). As I mentioned, the crew was here before 8am again and got straight to work. I told myself I wasn't going to check on the progress 87,000 times today like yesterday (spying from the upstairs window doesn't count), and so I held out for about an hour before taking a look. They had already poured and spread all the concrete! What?? How did I miss that, and how did they do it so freaking fast??

At the end of day two this is where we stand: 



There you have it. Concrete poured and flowerbed stone mostly done, apart from the back walls of each bed.  The weather was cool and misty today which made me totally nervous that they weren't going to be able to do the concrete, but the storms missed us and the cooler weather was much nicer for the guys to work it was a win-win! Plus I finally got to wear my new Nike shirt that was a birthday present from Matt. So I guess you could say it was a win-win-WIN. Now if only we could burn ALL of that firewood in the next two evenings since it won't be this cool again for a while. Challenge accepted.

And even though it didn't match my outfit, I couldn't resist wearing my new favorite Mavi Band!! Excuse the mess of hair, although I should be thankful I'm not bald with the INSANE amount of postpartum hair loss. More on that another time. Or maybe we'll skip those details. Anyway, back to the point. Enter to win yourself one of these amazing Mavi Bandz, and you won't be sorry. I am seriously never taking mine off. They are non-slip and adjustable and actually STAY on your head. know that is a bold claim, but it is so true. Don't miss your chance to snag one for FREE!

As usual...stay tuned for more patio progress and probably a few cute pics of this little guy tomorrow! Goodnight, everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That is coming along really quickly! I can't wait to see the finished product!
